Battlefield Cyber and The Fight for US Intellectual Property
The United States is being bombarded by cyberattacks. Russia attracts the most attention, but China is vastly more sophisticated. If we are waiting for a “cyber 9/11” or “cyber Pearl Harbor” we are misunderstanding how our adversaries wage cyber warfare. In this session Michael McLaughlin, author of Battlefield Cyber will use language everyone can understand to dive into how China and Russia are undermining our Democracy and national security – and what to do about it.About the speaker
Michael McLaughlin
Michael McLaughlin is the former Senior Counterintelligence Advisor for United States Cyber Command, where he was responsible for overseeing counterintelligence support to every U.S. military offensive and defensive cyberspace operation worldwide. Prior to rising to this position, he spent a career as a Naval Intelligence Officer conducting clandestine operations and sensitive activities across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. His vantage of the changing face of modern warfare is that of both a shadow warrior on the front lines and a trusted advisor to the military’s senior-most commanders.
He is now a cybersecurity attorney in Washington, D.C., where he co-leads the Cybersecurity & Data Privacy practice group for the law firm of Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney, PC.